
Tag: educação ambiental

Doação de Mudas

Conheça o Viveiro da EDEM

EDEM faz parceria com Bíon Consultoria para projeto de paisagismo e revitalização do viveiro de Bonito – MS. O viveiro Inicialmente, o Viveiro criamos na

EDEM visits MS Integration

EDEM visits MS Integration

Just like farming, we believe that relationships need to be well cultivated. Therefore, we try to be always available and close to our suppliers,

Safety first!

According to the SmartLab Platform's Occupational Safety and Health Observatory, a joint initiative of the MPT and the International Labor Organization (ILO), they indicate that only

Dia de Campo Fazenda Giruá

No dia 24 de fevereiro estivemos em Rio Verde de Mato Grosso – MS junto a Integra Soluções Agropecuárias Consultoria e Planejamento para um Dia

EDEM visits Melhore Agro

For us, it is extremely important to maintain a close relationship with our partners, suppliers and customers. On November 07, 2022, EDEM

Behavioral Safety Conference

Safety is one of our quality policies, for us it is extremely important that all employees and visitors are protected and act in a safe way.

Lower rates for sustainable agriculture?

On the last 14th, the Minister of Agriculture, Carlos Fávaro participated in an event organized by the Brazilian Association of State Environment Entities (Abema),

EDEM visits Maraney Farm

On January 18, 2023, EDEM represented by General Manager Maycon Farias and by the commercial team Alex Oliveira and Sarah Marques held

Dia de Campo na Fazenda Poncho Verde

Fomos convidados através do Sr. João Cuthi para um Dia de Campo com o tema de Pecuária Regenerativa, idealizado pelo Engenheiro Agrônomo Rogério Zart, na

Meet the 5 main corn pests!

Did you know that some diseases can compromise up to 100% of the productivity of corn crops? Discover the 5 main diseases of the

EDEM participa do Dia de Campo

No dia 10 de Maio de 2023, aconteceu o Dia de Campo “Manejo para bovinocultura” no Centro de Pesquisas e Capacitação da Agraer. A Agraer

Visita no campo de experimentos da AGRAER


In addition to results in the field, we are also always supporting research with our products to guarantee you, the rural producer, the best. On the 19th of

Minera GO

Nos dias 12 e 13 de Dezembro de 2023 ocorreu o Minera GO:construindo a política mineral goiana., promovido pela gestão do Plano Estadual de Recursos

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