
Tag: agricultura sustentável

EDEM realiza doação de mudas

No último sábado (01/07) a EDEM Agrominerais em parceria  com a Secretaria Municipal de Desenvolvimento Econômico, Turismo e Meio Ambiente realizou uma ação de doação

Visita no campo de experimentos da AGRAER


In addition to results in the field, we are also always supporting research with our products to guarantee you, the rural producer, the best. On the 19th of

World water day

A fim de conscientizar as novas gerações, a LGV juntamente a ÁGORA ENGENHARIA, Soluções Ambientais e de Segurança do Trabalho, realizamos uma ação social na

Blue november

Being a man also means taking care of yourself: it means exercising, having a balanced diet, quitting smoking, practicing safe sex, taking care of your mental health and, also,

EDEM participa do ShowTec

Destinado aos produtores rurais, consultores, pesquisadores, técnicos, estudantes e profissionais que atuam ou querem atuar no Agro, o Showtec é um evento anual, onde são

EDEM participates in MS Foundation event

On the 17th, 18th and 22nd of November, we at EDEM Agrominerais participated in the event Presentation of Results: Production Systems for the 2nd Harvest, an event

EDEM visits Maraney Farm

On January 18, 2023, EDEM represented by General Manager Maycon Farias and by the commercial team Alex Oliveira and Sarah Marques held

Prevention is the best way to fight!

The Pink October campaign aims to encourage women to take preventive exams. According to the Oncoguia Institute, diagnosing cancer early significantly increases

Dia de Campo na Fazenda Poncho Verde

Fomos convidados através do Sr. João Cuthi para um Dia de Campo com o tema de Pecuária Regenerativa, idealizado pelo Engenheiro Agrônomo Rogério Zart, na

Behavioral Safety Conference

Safety is one of our quality policies, for us it is extremely important that all employees and visitors are protected and act in a safe way.

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