Tag: inovação

EDEM participa do CBFos

EDEM participa do primeiro Congresso Brasileiro de Fosfatos em Caldas Novas – GO, promovido pela UFCAT e LAMPPMin.

Prevention is the best way to fight!

The Pink October campaign aims to encourage women to take preventive exams. According to the Oncoguia Institute, diagnosing cancer early significantly increases

A team trained to better serve you!

Seeking to bring the best possible experience to you, our customer, we held technical training for two weeks with our sales representatives. A good team of

Dia de Campo na Fazenda Poncho Verde

Fomos convidados através do Sr. João Cuthi para um Dia de Campo com o tema de Pecuária Regenerativa, idealizado pelo Engenheiro Agrônomo Rogério Zart, na

EDEM realiza doação de mudas

No último sábado (01/07) a EDEM Agrominerais em parceria  com a Secretaria Municipal de Desenvolvimento Econômico, Turismo e Meio Ambiente realizou uma ação de doação

Dia de Campo em Nova Crixás-GO

No último sábado (04/05) a EDEM Agrominerais esteve presente em um Dia de Campo na Fazenda Cristal em Nova Crixás-GO, a convite da Prospera e

Mirim Environmental Institute Camp

10th Reborn a Dream Camp

From the 7th to the 10th of October, the Instituto Mirim Ambiental held its 10th Camp. The event took place at Chácara Vale Verde in Bonito –

World water day

In order to raise the awareness of the new generations, LGV together with ÁGORA ENGENHARIA, Environmental and Workplace Safety Solutions, carried out a social action in the

FarmShow 2023

From March 14 to 17, 2023, the FarmShow 2023 took place in Primavera do Leste-MT. Primavera do Leste Agribusiness is something taken to

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