
World water day

On March 22, 1992, the United Nations (UN) created World Water Day. The date is an effort by the international community to put essential issues involving water resources on the agenda.

Water is the most important natural resource on our planet. Without it, there is no life!

About 97.5% of all water in the world is salty, 2.5% of which is fresh and less than 1% is available for human consumption.

In addition, according to the UN, the consumption of fresh water has increased 6 times in the last century and continues to increase at a rate of 1% per year.

In order to raise awareness among the new generations, LGV together with ÁGORA ENGENHARIA, Soluções Ambientais e de Segurança do Trabalho, carried out a social action at the Francisco Modesto State School in Montes Claros de Goiás.

In Bonito, we had a special program focused on environmental education, protection of fauna in the urban area and structural improvements in the sewage collection and treatment system.

Theme mural

In the first action, we had approximately 220 elementary school students. We held an Environmental Education workshop where students reproduced what they learned in the lecture on posters.

The importance of water, the water cycle and the importance of the riparian forest for this cycle were some of the themes reproduced on the posters


In the second action, we focused on high school students. We watched the movie “The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind”, and after the movie we had a chat about the importance of the date.

Special Program in Bonito

The free event included guided walks along the Udu Trail, in the riparian forests of the Restinga and Bonito streams; Theater; toys; exhibition of taxidermied animals; games and activities about energy efficiency; distribution of seedlings and gifts.

Preserving such a valuable asset is what will make the difference in the survival and quality of life of future generations.

Water is life!

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