Lower rates for sustainable agriculture?

On the last 14th, the Minister of Agriculture, Carlos Fávaro participated in an event organized by the Brazilian Association of State Environment Entities (Abema), where some changes in the rates of the Crop Plan were discussed.

“That rural producer who is already producing with a sustainable conscience will have more incentive, cheaper interest rates. The ABC Plan [low-carbon agriculture] will no longer be an appendix to the Safra Plan, it will be the main and transversal line that we are building, with the most diverse levels”, said Fávaro.


The reduction of carbon emissions is a worldwide trend, one of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN (United Nations) is

…by 2030, ensure sustainable food production systems and implement resilient agricultural practices that increase productivity and production, that help maintain ecosystems, that strengthen the capacity to adapt to climate change, extreme weather conditions, droughts, floods and other disasters, and that progressively improve the quality of land and soil.

One of the lines committed to reducing carbon emissions is organominerals and natural fertilizers.

All the necessary maintenance and care for the plants is directly related to the application of fertilizers. It is they who provide plants with the nutrients they need. Providing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and micronutrients is the only way to ensure that plants have optimal growth.

There is no doubt that CO 2 is the most important nutrient for plants, but in the absence of some nutrients, the photosynthesis process will be limited, causing a reduction in the capture of CO 2 from the atmosphere.

With the improvement in plant nutrition through fertilization, productivity and quality can be increased, preserving the soil and natural resources, with consequent reduction of CO 2 emissions by the soil.

With the right dose of fertilizer, plants grow well and the amount of greenhouse gases emitted is minimal. We need an efficient agriculture that maintains its means of production because this efficiency is directly linked to productivity. This is how agriculture and farmers will find new perspectives, providing solutions to the great challenge of today and tomorrow: producing food respecting and preserving the environment.

The natural fertilizer rebuilds the soils, which allows the renewal of your biome and improves its performances. Therefore, it is not only a more sustainable alternative but also a long-term investment.

Migrate to sustainable agriculture, contact a commercial consultant.

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