
Category: Agricultura

Mirim Environmental Institute Camp

10th Reborn a Dream Camp

From the 7th to the 10th of October, the Instituto Mirim Ambiental held its 10th Camp. The event took place at Chácara Vale Verde in Bonito –

EDEM visits Melhore Agro

For us, it is extremely important to maintain a close relationship with our partners, suppliers and customers. On November 07, 2022, EDEM

Meet the 5 main corn pests!

Did you know that some diseases can compromise up to 100% of the productivity of corn crops? Discover the 5 main diseases of the

Prevention is the best way to fight!

The Pink October campaign aims to encourage women to take preventive exams. According to the Oncoguia Institute, diagnosing cancer early significantly increases

EDEM visita Votorantim

Explorando novos horizontes junto aos nossos parceiros da Votorantim Cimentos!  Uma visita enriquecedora para entender como nosso produto KMC se integra e impulsiona projetos inovadores.

Donation of Seedlings

Discover the EDEM Nursery

EDEM forms a partnership with Bíon Consultoria for a landscaping project and revitalization of the nursery in Bonito – MS. The Nursery Initially, the Nursery we created in

EDEM participa da 7ª EXPOCÉU

Eventos nesse formato tem por finalidade divulgar a empresa, disseminar a marca, levando informações do produto a possíveis clientes.  A ExpoCéu é um evento realizado

Job Security: Cultivate this idea

Occupational Safety (ST) is a set of preventive measures adopted to protect a company's employees and reduce the risk of accidents at work.

Introducing LGV to the community

The EDEM Agrominerais Group is made up of several companies in the mining sector (natural fertilizers) for agriculture, and LGV is the silicate mine

EDEM visits MS Integration

EDEM visits MS Integration

Just like farming, we believe that relationships need to be well cultivated. Therefore, we try to be always available and close to our suppliers,

EDEM participates in MS Foundation event

On the 17th, 18th and 22nd of November, we at EDEM Agrominerais participated in the event Presentation of Results: Production Systems for the 2nd Harvest, an event

EDEM participa do Dia de Campo

No dia 10 de Maio de 2023, aconteceu o Dia de Campo “Manejo para bovinocultura” no Centro de Pesquisas e Capacitação da Agraer. A Agraer

Visita no campo de experimentos da AGRAER


In addition to results in the field, we are also always supporting research with our products to guarantee you, the rural producer, the best. On the 19th of

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